When we hear the words “human trafficking,” we tend to think that this is something that happens in big cities.  Sadly this is not true, and with the 401 highway, this crime is big business right here in our community.
Spearheaded by the Rotary Club of Guelph South, Rotary members have come together to tackle this issue, starting with an awareness campaign.
On the 4th Tuesday of every month, starting in July, you will hear about different aspects of human trafficking – from the organizations that work to create increased awareness to survivors themselves who will share their stories.
We are starting on July 27 with Bob Burnside and Sherri Moir who are with Cry Not, a voluntary organization based in Orangeville whose mandate is to create awareness of threat, tactics, symptoms and resulting devastating personal effects of Human Trafficking to the greater Dufferin Caledon communities.
Future dates are August 24, September 28, October 26, November 30.  Mark your calendars now and plan to join us. This session will be online and free.  To register, go to  https://bit.ly/3xXKx7S